pepper story

The Pepper Story

Why are we on the way to becoming the diabetes capital of the world? Why do we not get up and move about? Why are those who eat to live asked, “Dieting?” Why do we sleep on our health until we are jolted? Why are health-conscious people uncool?

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Only Dreamers Can Be Doctors

Only dreamers can be doctors

If there is one thing I regret in life, it is not studying to be a doctor. I am not usually the regretting kind—but I have enormous respect for those that heeded to the calling and chose this profession.

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Elder child

From a Real Life Piku: Looking After an Elderly ‘Child’

I am not a Bollywood fan, but when I watched the Piku trailer I immediately wanted to take my in-laws (who are 91 and 80 years old), and my dad (an 86-year-old child) to watch the film. Amitabh Bachchan’s “A human being’s emotion is linked to his motion” is spot on! His antics, quirks and refrains of being a “burden”, though lovable, frustrate Deepika Padukone, much like what my father does to me.

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When to rush your child to a hospital

Here's a test to find out how much you know about the seriousness of a child’s illness.

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The thief who robs your eyesight

Glaucoma is one word I had not heard of till I fell prey to it some twenty years back. I was in Singapore in 1991—staying with my son –a sport journalist.

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Whose life is it anyway?

In the end, the things that matter most are: How well did you live? How well did you love? & how well did you let go? - Buddha

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Expert Patient

Want to become an expert patient—Help is around

If you are a person who feels compelled to act when someone you know has an illness, there’s a name for you: a patient advocate.

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I found my right brain after a stroke

We interviewed Avinash Godbole who suffered a stroke that paralyzed his right side, was encouraged by his Neurologist Dr Shirish Hastak, and miraculously transformed into a prolific painter with his left hand. He had never painted before.

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I thought I was superman!

I have been a physically active person as far as memory takes me. My love for sport persisted throughout my college days. I played all kinds of sport– football, hockey, table tennis, basketball, swimming & badminton.

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Stubbing the habit

I was a schoolboy of regular habits until grade eleven, when, at age 16, I turned a smoker. Three years of being a heavy smoker, averaging three packs a day, I quit the habit, September ‘79. How did I quit? I believe I did four things that worked for me.

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Everybody needs a buddy

The journey towards good health can seem long & lonely when you have to go through it alone. Everyone needs a buddy, someone to talk to. Not just someone who can give medical advice, but someone who cares, someone who can be rational when you tend to be emotional, someone who can be positive when you want to give up. & that someone can be a family member, a friend, a neighbor, someone who has gone through a similar situation, a colleague, & sometimes a stranger who can listen with empathy.

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Health is wealth

I have been a person with average energy & moderate level of fitness. Though, in my childhood I used to be frequently unhealthy, I started working on my health from my mid teens. That helped me improve my immunity & reduce medication. Last 3 years of my schooling had been without any absenteeism, & that was a great achievement for me, then.

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Imagine health in the hands of people.

Imagine health in the hands of people.

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20 Tips For Caregivers - Making Hospital Stays Easier

My father, Anna, who has Parkinson's Disease, Dementia, and Diplopia has been in the hospital since 20th Jul 2016.

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